Counter Proposal
Envac’s Concept for AVAC’s Future
Roosevelt Island’s network has been expanded three times but its machinery is 35 years old. What would the system look like if it were built today? Envac, the manufacturer of the original system, suggests that a new AVAC facility be housed in a building less than a quarter the current size with the ability to collect two or more separate waste streams. Residents would continue to deposit garbage in building chute rooms, but recyclables would now be accepted in inlets located in building courtyards or on the sidewalk. Envac prepared the following schematic proposal for this exhibition.
General Network and Detail drawing, Envac.
Proposed Terminal aerial photo collage, Envac.
Proposed Terminal, Ground Floor Plan, Envac.
Proposed Terminal, Section B-B, Envac.
Proposed Terminal, Second Floor Plan, Envac.
Proposed Terminal, Section C-C, Envac.
Organized by Juliette Spertus with Project Projects
Curatorial assistant: Jack McGrath
Exhibition and website design: Project Projects
Research: Juliette Spertus, Jack Conviser and
Jack McGrath
Video: Gregory Whitmore
Photography: Kate Milford
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